Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Q&A: Will Slither by Velvet Revolver be in Guitar Hero 3?

Question by johnybaraboo789: Will Slither by Velvet Revolver be in Guitar Hero 3?
Many game websites have been posting the songs that will be included in the Guitar Hero 3 Soundtrack. They are saying that the songs included will be the core songs of Guitar Hero and will be in the game. One of these songs is slither by Velvet Revolver.

Is this a confirmation for this song or is it just something extra for the CD only?

Best answer:

Answer by coltman18322k2
It has not been confirmed, but the track is on the companion pack that is being offered for the XBOX 360 before the game is released. It is stated that is in the game’s soundtrack, and is not merely a bonus DLC exclusive. However, upon checking videos and actual gameplay setlists, it appears there are no Velvet Revolver tracks in the game.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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