Kamis, 19 April 2012

U.S. expert team heated debate Bryant lore ability to put the ball to the captain or first?

Article by Lulusunny89

ESPN’s Henry – Abbott and E Luoke – Pata Ni together launched a survey that is a critical moment in the playoffs, which player serving the ball handling ability comparable to the key – Michael Jordan. Statistics show that 9 of 18 shots in his career Jordan, still no one can break. Active players – Kobe Bryant hit 25 only seven, far less – Ray Allen, LeBron – James and Dirk – Dirk Nowitzki, and others. This caused uproar after the introduction of statistics, “Los Angeles Times’ Mark – Heisler recently on the topic of Kobe, and Abbott launched a debate. The following is part of Excerpt debate.

Abbott: Mark, you are my statistics recently commented that “there is nothing more than statistical critical moment shooting stupid it?” Later, Bryant defended “Without Bryant, the Los Angeles Lakers may not even this five championship one can not get. “This statement I agree, but now we may say that more in-depth more accurately, in the process of winning, what factors played a role in the end and which is only superficial.

In the five seasons, the Lakers’ success should be attributed to everyone, including players, coaches, Mitch – Mitch Kupchak and Jerry – Bass made a decision. What they have done, converging to win power, they let Kobe have a Hall of Fame player’s eligibility. In a championship team, all things are not occurring properly. Some people deal with problems in his own way, does not mean that this is the right way, as “the Lakers finally won a” does not mean “they do best.”

Heisler: From 2000 to date, the Lakers won five titles, San Antonio Spurs over more than 1, this decade may also be known as the Lakers for 10 years, comparable to the year’s showtime period. In this case, some people are still entangled in the critical ball handling ability Bryant. If now he’s established position can not be established, then who can replace him? I think Kobe is so important, mainly looking at his achievements, not only won five times during his performance.

Derek – Derek Fisher has been involved throughout the five to win, he also hit a number of key goals, but every time the ball is the key to Bryant, even Shaquille O’Neal – and Robert – Robert Horry in the array, the as well. Kobe Bryant is, he will miss the key goals. However, according to my count, since 2000 as many as 16 playoff games, was won by Kobe Bryant single-handedly, and this illustrates the problem.

Albert: If Kobe Bryant missed the ball but also figured out, sufficient to cover a forest. I have the following number of Bryant’s embarrassing moment of origin. 2002 Western Conference finals for the Sacramento Kings, Kobe Bryant had three chances, allowing the total score on the Lakers led, or at least break even, but both missed the 2004 playoffs against the Houston Rockets, too. Time is up to the present controversy, Bryant has missed five consecutive key goals, and his last rescue team, or May 22, 2008 game. The same period, many players have hit the same number of key goals, but no one much more than he missed.

Sometimes, Bryant missed a key ball, all because he Tangong. 2004 against Ruben – Patterson shooting is proof that, when he was still some distance away from three-point line, and the other party is also in place for his defense, he is still just keep shot. If this was for the other players, the coach has long been a penalty up to the bench. I do not deny that Kobe is a great player, ball like this, others only 5% hit chance, but he was as high as 20%. He was around Slava – Medvedenko is in space, though the latter career three-pointers in only 2 of 13 shots, Kobe Bryant is still an option pass. Sometimes, Bryant is a hero, but sometimes he is a bear, but we can not ignore the latter point, not to mention a lot of this time also.

If the focus of debate is “Who’s the strongest ball-critical”, I would choose Kobe, but now the focus is “Who the best performance at the critical moment.” Union deal with the strongest team the key goals, such as the Dallas Mavericks and New Orleans, are resolutely implement the “critical moment handed the ball players in the hands of space” idea of ??the team.

Heisler: Kobe Bryant did not miss if you say that the ball, the Lakers might win 12 titles, instead of five. As you said, the Lakers success is a collective effort, but like Shaq, Paul – Pau Gasol, Lamar – Lamar Odom and Andrew – Andrew Bynum, all they are doing, not just to smooth at the critical moment Kobe Bryant handed the ball in the hands of it? So, why should then the ball came to Kobe? In the past 12 years, the Lakers reached the finals seven times to win five times, during which the Lakers went through numerous playoff games, and many times at the last moment the ball to Bryant, and ultimately achieved 118 wins and 63 defeats.

I do not deny there is a critical moment in the performance of other players better than Kobe, but they do not have one where the team’s winning percentage, comparable to the Lakers. Unlike the Lakers Spurs, GDP Jie end of the game’s ability to mix, in addition to Bryant, the Lakers can find a second reliable player?

In addition, a player can not say that the poor performance of critical moment, he is not a great player. Scott – Jordan, Pippen capacity than a critical moment, but it does not say that he is not great; if you had been doing well, but overall the last two seasons at a critical moment Xiecai, you’re James; if you are just at the critical moment to force, to shift the defense, rebounding a mess, but also win the ball, then you are – Carmelo Anthony. Tayshaun – Prince career key 5 from 3-ball, why do not you take him and Kobe Bryant comparison?

Albert: This is like you want to buy a house in Los Angeles, and for you to choose the house up to 20,000, you is impossible to look at the past, he will have to find people you list, a list, and then integrated your personal tastes, price range, the distance with the school, housing appreciation, the environment, color and other indicators, can be ranked list select the forefront of that one. We are talking about is a critical moment capacity, then Antonio ranked first in a little problem at all, why re-link the defense and rebounding?

If the lore of the lens that Bryant made the video, anyone would think that Kobe Bryant great enough; but if the attention turned to those he missed, and everyone will shake their heads. Bryant, who missed the ball, those games, I mostly read. My subjective impression is not the conclusion of a series of data supporting my view, the coaches always say, Kobe shot more often than others, but the hit rate of merely mediocre. Data also shows, though the Lakers have made better results, but at the critical moment the worst team on the list, the Lakers are in the forefront. The outstanding performance of those critical moments the team, the only magic is the team..It is composed by lulusunnynfljerseysupplycom 07.14.2011

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